Sunday, July 14, 2013

My thoughts on the Zimmerman/Martin trial.

First, I think our system is very flawed. 
I understand to a point why Zimmerman was not found guilty of murder. I do not understand why he was not found guilty of manslaughter. 
You can kill someone in a car accident and get convicted of manslaughter. You can build a house that falls down years later and kills the people inside and get convicted of manslaughter. 

Why was it Zimmerman's job to follow Trayvon? He was a "self appointed" neighborhood watch person. He was offered a yellow light to go on top of his car so that he would be identified as such person. He refused.
He followed Trayvon in his car, called the police and said a few racial slurs. The 911 operator told him to stay in his car and that they were sending police. 
Zimmerman didn't listen and continued to follow Trayvon on foot. 
What happens after that is obviously something none of us will ever know. 

But it is said that Zimmerman had a right to defend himself because he was fearful of his life. If he was fearful for his life, why approach Martin? Why not let a REAL cop do his job? 
I look at it from Trayvon's point of view. There was a big man stalking him in the middle of the night, who would not announce who he was. American history shows that Trayvon had every right to be scared. 

A Florida woman was convicted of 3 counts of assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to 20 years in prison because she fired warning shots at her abusive husband. She had previously filed a protective order against him and he broke that agreement. 
They were fighting previous to the shots being fired into the wall, so Marissa Alexander was denied the "stand your ground" law. Whereas Zimmerman approached this unarmed teen and shot him down. Zimmerman claimed the "stand your ground law" applied to him, even though HE approached Martin first and took the law into his own hands. 

Zimmerman walked free. Alexander is now serving 20 years in jail because she was trying to get her abusive husband to back off. 

I should mention that Marissa Alexander is a black woman. 

There is no justice for Trayvon Martin. 
This is not a win for America. 
This is a sad day and shows us that racism still exists. 

Imagine a world where Zimmerman offered Trayvon a ride to get out of the rain? 

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