Saturday, July 13, 2013

The difference between two pregnancies.

When I was pregnant with Ezra, I knew immediately. My home tests kept saying negative but I just had this gut feeling. 
I went to my OB and took a test there and it was positive. 
I was only 3 weeks along. It was crazy. 

With this pregnancy, I was in denial. It was a huge shock. 
Brad kept telling me to take a test and I wouldn't because I knew it would be negative. 
Then the day I was supposed to get my period, I never did. So I tested. 
I peed on the stick and before the liquid even got to the "control window" it was positive. I took three more and they were all positive. 
It came as quite a shock because we had stopped trying for a baby two cycles prior. 
We stopped because we felt that we were financially ready. 
We wanted to wait until our finances were better. But I guess this baby didn't want to wait. 

With Ezra I always felt nauseous but I rarely threw up. It lasted about a month after I found out. 

With this baby, I've been sick every day since I tested. 
But, I don't ever feel nauseous until the moment I need to puke. And then I feel fine again. 

We really want to have a girl, so because of how different this pregnancy already is I've found myself calling it a her. 

I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow. 

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